What are Science Instruments?
Science instruments are state-of-the-art tools for acquiring information about the geology, atmosphere, environmental conditions, and potential biosignatures on Mars.
Mike Malin, Principal Investigator
Malin Space Systems, San Diego, CA, USAThe Mast Camera, or Mastcam for short, takes color images and color video footage of the Martian terrain. The images can be stitched together to create panoramas of the landscape around the rover.
R. Aileen Yingst, Principal Investigator
Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, AZ, USAThe Mars Hand Lens Imager, called MAHLI, is the rover's version of the magnifying hand lens that geologists usually carry with them into the field. MAHLI's close-up images reveal the minerals and textures in rock surfaces.
Mike Malin, Principal Investigator
Malin Space Systems, San Diego, CA, USAThe Mars Descent Imager, nicknamed "MARDI," shot a color video of the terrain below as the rover descended to its landing site. The video helped mission planners select the best path for Curiosity when the rover started exploring Gale Crater.
Ralf Gellert, Principal Investigator
University of Guelph, Ontario, CanadaThe Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer is called APXS for short. When it is placed right next to a rock or soil surface, it uses two kinds of radiation to measure the amounts and types of chemical elements that are present.
Nina Lanza, Principal Investigator
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USAThe Chemistry and Camera tool is known as ChemCam. ChemCam's laser, camera and spectrograph work together to identify the chemical and mineral composition of rocks and soils.
Thomas Bristow, Principal Investigator
NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USAThe Chemical and Mineralogy instrument, or CheMin for short, performs chemical analysis of powdered rock samples to identify the types and amounts of different minerals that are present.
Charles Malespin, Principal Investigator
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USAThe Sample Analysis at Mars tool is called SAM. SAM is made up of three different instruments that search for and measure organic chemicals and light elements that are important ingredients potentially associated with life.
Radiation Detectors
Donald Hassler, Principal Investigator
Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, CO, USAThe Radiation Assessment Detector is also known as RAD, and is helping prepare for future human exploration of Mars. RAD measures the type and amount of harmful radiation that reaches the Martian surface from the sun and space sources.
Igor Mitrofanov, Principal Investigator
Space Research Institute, Moscow, RussiaThe Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons tool, called DAN for short, looks for telltale changes in the way neutrons released from Martian soil that indicate liquid or frozen water exists underground.
Environmental Sensors
Javier Gomez-Elvira, Principal Investigator
Center for Astrobiology, Madrid, SpainThe Rover Environmental Monitoring Station is nicknamed REMS, and it contains all the weather instruments needed to provide daily and seasonal reports on meteorological conditions around the rover.
Atmospheric Sensors
Alan Little, Principal Investigator
NASA Langley Research CenterThe Mars Science Laboratory Entry Descent and Landing Instrument is called MEDLI. MEDLI measured the heating and atmospheric pressure changes that occurred during the descent to help determine the effects on different parts of the spacecraft.