This is a Mars Orbiter Camera view of the cratered uplands located between the Amenthes Fossae and Hesperia Planum. This ancient, cratered surface sports a covering of windblown dunes and ripples oriented in somewhat different directions. The dunes are bigger and their crests generally run east-west across the image. The ripples are smaller and their crests run in a more north-south direction. The pattern they create together makes some of the dunes almost appear as if they are giant millipedes! This picture covers an area only 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) wide. Illumination is from the top.

June 17, 2000

This is a Mars Orbiter Camera view of the cratered uplands located between the Amenthes Fossae and Hesperia Planum. This ancient, cratered surface sports a covering of windblown dunes and ripples oriented in somewhat different directions. The dunes are bigger and their crests generally run east-west across the image. The ripples are smaller and their crests run in a more north-south direction. The pattern they create together makes some of the dunes almost appear as if they are giant millipedes! This picture covers an area only 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) wide. Illumination is from the top.




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