NASA Science
Mars Exploration Program
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MAVEN Launching
November 18, 2013
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This illustration shows how water is lost on Mars normally vs. during regional or global dust storms.
How Water is Lost on Mars (Illustration)
Engineers work on the MAVEN spacecraft, which is dominated by the high-gain antenna that is crucial to communications with NASA's Deep Space Network.
MAVEN's High-Gain Antenna
NASA Science missions circle Earth, the Sun, the Moon, Mars and many other destinations within our solar system, including spacecraft that look out even further into our universe. The Science Fleet...
SMD Spacecraft Fleet
This is an image of the ultraviolet “nightglow” in the Martian atmosphere over the south pole. Green and white false colors represent the intensity of ultraviolet light, with white being the bright...
Ultraviolet ‘Nightglow' of Mars Atmosphere Over South Pole
A zoomed in view of MAVEN’s orbit during a period of low solar wind.
Mars Disappearing Solar Wind: MAVEN Visualizations
This image of the Mars night side shows ultraviolet emission from nitric oxide (abbreviated NO)
Mars' Nightside Atmosphere
MAVEN observations of a proton aurora. In the top panel, natural variability of the solar wind results in occasional dense flows of solar wind protons bombarding Mars.
Proton Aurora with MAVEN Data
NASA's MAVEN spacecraft obtained this ultraviolet image of hydrogen surrounding comet Siding Spring on Oct. 17, 2014, two days before the comet's closest approach to Mars.
MAVEN Ultraviolet Image of Comet Siding Spring's Hydrogen Coma
NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft has obtained its first observations of the extended upper atmosphere surrounding Mars.
MAVEN Spacecraft Returns First Mars Observations
The Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) is a part of the Particles and Fields (P & F) Package and will measure the solar wind and ionospheric electrons.
Solar Wind Electron Analyzer for MAVEN Spacecraft
The countdown is underway at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch Complex 41 where a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket stands ready to boost the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolutio...
MAVEN Countdown Underway
These eight graphs present data from the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer on NASA's MAVEN orbiter identifying ions of different metals added to the Martian atmosphere shortly after comet C/201...
Ions of Eight Metals from Comet Dust Detected in Mars Atmosphere
This artist's concept depicts the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) on NASA's MAVEN spacecraft scanning the upper atmosphere of Mars. IUVS uses limb scans to map the chemical makeup and verti...
Artist's Concept of MAVEN's Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph at Work
At Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch Compex-41, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, along with other agency and contractor officials spoke to members of the news media about preparatio...
NASA Officials Discuss MAVEN Mission
MAVEN selfie composite, annotated
MAVEN Selfie Composite, Annotated
NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) mission acquired stunning views of Mars in two ultraviolet images taken at different points along our neighboring planet’s orbit around the Sun.
MAVEN Spacecraft Stuns with Ultraviolet Views of Red Planet
The Suprathermal and Thermal Ion Composition (STATIC) instrument is part of the Particles and Fields (P & F) Package and measures thermal ions to moderate energy escaping ions.
Suprathermal And Thermal Ion Composition Instrument for MAVEN Spacecraft
The MAVEN Electra UHF Transceiver Flight Model is shown here.
Seasons change even on Mars and NASA's fleet of explorers are helping scientists learn more about the effects on the Red Planet.
Mars Report: How's the Weather on Mars?
Artist’s conception of MAVEN’s Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) observing the “Christmas Lights Aurora" on Mars. MAVEN observations show that aurora on Mars is similar to Earth’s "Northern L...
Artist's Concept of MAVEN Observing Aurora on Mars
Robert Lin, the late director of the Space Sciences Laboratory, discusses how NASA's MAVEN spacecraft will study the interaction of the Martian atmosphere with the solar wind. MAVEN's findings will...
Studying the Solar Wind on Mars
Download a PDF of MAVEN Frequently Asked Questions.
MAVEN Launches.
MAVEN Launches
Image of MAVEN spacecraft, annotated to identify instruments
MAVEN Instrument Panel
The Magnetometer (MAG) is a part of the Particles and Fields (P & F) Package and measures interplanetary solar wind and ionospheric magnetic fields.
MAVEN Magnetometer
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