On a Mission
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory presents "On a Mission," a podcast that explores a single mission to outer space. Season 1, which launched in October 2018, is all about the InSight mission to Mars..
On A Mission Podcast
Season 1 of the "On a Mission" podcast, launched by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2018, focuses on the InSight mission to Mars. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the mission, its team, and the challenges of working on the Red Planet.
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The InSight mission is heading to Mars, but many spacecraft have died trying to get there. The current record for Mars missions is 18 successes and 25 failures. InSight hopes to improve the odds.
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The Earth "rings" whenever earthquakes strike, just as vibrations moving through a bell create a ringing sound. The InSight mission will see if tremors cause Mars to chime in with its own planetary song.
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Space missions often defy the odds, overcoming all obstacles. The people who work on these missions also face challenges to get where they are today. Marleen Martinez Sundgaard, the testbed lead for InSight, personifies this tenacious spirit.
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Earth is a living, dynamic world thanks to volcanoes and the planetary heat that fuels them. The InSight mission wants to see if Mars also has a heartbeat deep inside its cold exterior.
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Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu is in charge of the InSight mission’s robotic arm and hand. His work on space robots has led him to give a helping hand back home.
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Technology can take you to unexpected places. The MarCO cubesats, flying towards Mars with InSight, are breaking new ground on how far these small satellites can go.
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Missions to outer space have come a long way since the days of Cold War competition. Farah Alibay finds that building relationships is a big part of building spacecraft.
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InSight is lining up to land on Mars. The trip from the top of the atmosphere to the surface of Mars is six-and-a-half minutes of sheer terror.
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What's happened with InSight since it landed on Mars?
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