Lessons, Activities and Workshops
Access InSight's lessons and activities on NASA JPL's Education website.
Access Mars lessons and activities on NASA JPL's Education website.
Launch rockets, build robots, explore your world and beyond! Our projects, toolkit and contests will take you into space without ever leaving Earth.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory hosts free workshops where educators can interact with mission team members and experts and find out how to bring NASA science into classrooms.
Teachable Moments
NASA’s InSight Mars lander was designed to get the first in-depth look at the “heart” of Mars. Dig into the mission with these "Teachable Moments" from NASA JPL's Education website.
InSight was the first interplanetary spacecraft to launch from the West Coast of the United States. Since it is small and relatively lightweight, its rocket could easily accommodate getting it into orbit without the help of Earth’s momentum.
InSight's landing provided a good opportunity for students to learn about the mission.